Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Special Valentine's delivery

One of Courtney's girlfriends takes her school classes via the internet. So, when all the abundant snow came this winter and all the children from public school had "snow days", Kathryn was still doing her work at home! SHE didn't think this was very fair. What 6 year old would?? So, I made her a Valentine's mailbox and my girls put valentines in it to surprise her. We understood that she wouldn't be having a Valentine's party like they would either. Kathryn was thrilled to see it when we took it to her. What a fun project! I've also made these mailboxes for each of my sister's families and Grandmommy. (Each were monogramed and filled when delivered.) That way each grandchild and grandparent can make and send Valentines to each other every year:) How SWEET!!

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtful and well-designed, Tracy! I am glad you have posted more on your craft blog.

